Friday, January 30, 2009

ThinkOR's authors looking for Operational Research positions in Europe

ThinkOR's authors are looking for exciting Operational Research and Operations Management work opportunities in western Europe. Aleksey and Dawen are moving from Canada to Europe to further and broaden their work and life experiences.

We are flexible in the cities we reside in and the industries we work in, so long as the problems are interesting and that we can contribute to the development of an exciting organization. If you or someone you know are looking to hire English-speaking OR consultants, please contact Dawen at dawen[dot]peng[at]gmail[dot]com and/or Aleksey at aleksey[dot]nozdrynplotnicki[at]gmail[dot]com. Our high-level resumes are available on LinkedIn (Aleksey and Dawen). Detailed resumes and references are available upon request. Your help is greatly appreciated. Advices are also welcomed on OR job hunting in Europe.

Since we will be in Europe, if you'd like to meet and chat, we'd certainly be glad to meet more fellow Operational Research professionals. Just shoot over an email to connect.

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