Tuesday, August 27, 2013

More MOOC on Analytics - Coursera

A hoard of analytics related Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are about to start in September. Have your pick on what to learn. Having taken a few Coursera courses now, I would recommend 1) not taking too many courses at once, however tempting it is to sign up to all of them, unless you have no other work or projects on the go. This is just to make sure you have a reasonable load and able to devote enough of your attention to learning the material properly. 2) Make good use of the discussion forums, as they are both a good source of clarifications and a window into other people's perspectives on the material. 3) Do the exercises, programming assignments and quizzes to ensure your understanding of the material.

Linear and Integer Programming
Starts 2 Sept 2013, 9 weeks, 5-7 hours/week
(the basics of mathematical optimisation, a core toolkit in the field of Operations Research)

Statistics One
Starts 22 Sept 2013, 12 weeks, 5-8 hours/week

Introduction to Recommender Systems
Starts 3 Sept 2013, 14 weeks, 4-10 hours/week

Computing for Data Analysis
Starts 23 Sept 2013, 4 weeks, 3-5 hours/week
As I've written before here.

Web Intelligence and Big Data
Starts 26 Aug 2013, 12 weeks, 3-4 hours/week

Thinking Again: How to Reason and Argue
Starts 26 Aug 2013, 12 weeks, 5-6 hours/week
Perhaps a bit off topic, but perhaps not, since all analytics are more or less rooted in proving or disproving arguments, so we better learn how to do it well.

Related article:
Coursera and the Analytics Talent Gap
Starting up in Operational Research: What Programming Languages Should I Learn?

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